Sunday, September 9, 2012


NOOOO!!!! It's exams week again!!
My F5 paper on Friday was horrible!! 30% gone because I don't know how to do those questions. I don't have enough time anyway. And from what the lecturers told us, I'm not expecting to get good grades for my next two papers. So today I'm doing the usual thing during exams week to destress, COOK!!

My brunch! scramble egg, frankfurters, and mashed potato!!

This is my first time cooking mashed potato!! I got the recipe from someone on facebook, her name is Felicia Chiew. Her recipes are awesome!! Though the cheese cake I tried didn't turn out so well.. =/

Well, here's the recipe for mashed potato: Facebook link

The Potato
Peel and cut the potatoes before steaming them. Then mashed them, it will be better if I have a blender. Add in some melted butter and fresh milk. Add a pinch of salt if it's too plain.
Rating: 8/10
Taste just like the one in KFC!! =D

The Gravy
It uses oyster sauce!! A cup of water, 2 or 3 tablespoons of oyster sauce, supposed to be 3 teaspoons of corn flour, but it's not dense/soupy enough, so I added 2 more teaspoons of corn flour. Add some pepper if you want to.
Then melt some butter on the frying pan. Pour the mixture into the pan and stir till it boils. Add some milk, and it's ready to be served.
Rating: 3/10
Now, I think I don't like oyster sauce. For me it tasted quite horrible!! Spoiled the taste of my mashed potato. So next time I'll find other gravy, or replace oyster sauce with canned mushroom soup. LOL.

So yeah, there goes my brunch! Left a lot of cleaning to do after cooking, as usual. Time to get back to studying. Sighs... Hope that I can pass at least 2 out of 3 papers for this progress test. Wish me luck!!

Here are some photos for the jelly fruit cheese cake my friends and I tried during the Raya break. Recipe from the same person who made the mashed potato. However, the cheese of the cake couldn't stabilise, it's too soft, probably we didn't add enough of gelatin. In the end, we had to put the cake into the freezer, and it sort of became like an ice-cream cake!! Hahaha~ Recipe: Facebook link

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